Archive for June, 2007

Excuse me while I squeal in excitement: SPICE GIRLS REUNION, BABY!

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

June 28, 2007. Let us remember this day, for it was this day that the Spice Girls announced the much anticipated and rumoured reunion world tour. Let’s just say that I have been waiting for this for awhile, since hearing about reunion rumours for Live8. It is said that this tour will be the very last chance to see all five girls together on stage, singing their 90’s hits, proclaiming “girl power”, while invoking nostalgia for all in attendance. Unfortunately, though, the 12 dates announced so far are lacking Canadian dates, something I hope will be rectified in the near future. [ Addendum: At the end of July and early August, two new Canadian dates were added! The tour now starts out in Vancouver and “The Spice City”, Toronto, will have its dated added later on. Huzzah! ]

Facebook: The Tension Between Public and Private

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

The popularity of social networking websites, in particular, has picked up much steam recently. I must admit, I was an early Facebook adopter and enthusiast. I’ve witnessed the website evolve from a very simple archetype with only one tiny profile pic for each person who had a college/university verified email to a site open to anyone and everyone, with unlimited photo storage and the recent addition of various “applications”. It went from a very organic feel to one that resembles “that other social networking site” with tons of, dare I say it, tacky flashiness and conspicuous add-ons. I suppose my enthusiasm for Facebook has significantly diminished as of late, not only as a result of graduating but also the huge changes in format. But that is a rant onto itself. The reason for this entry is about something I came across on the site that I have to shake my head and marvel at the complete irony of some Facebook users’ mindset.

Shut Up and Sing (2006)

Written by Bev. Posted in movies, Reviews

You might remember, back in 2003, the huge uproar caused by one Dixie Chick’s dissenting words against George W. Bush. Words from one single person said in jest in a London concert made its way overseas and back home resulting in huge controversy. Treason, they called it. Un-American! Traitors! Every single adjective and noun related to unpatriotism was slung against the group. This was in the days before the anticipated invasion of Iraq. It was a time when approval ratings for “Dubya” was high and patriotism was in full swing.

PostSecret in Toronto – May 31, 2007

Written by Bev. Posted in books, miscellaneous, Reviews

I attended the PostSecret event in Toronto last week, so far the lone Canadian date. Frank Warren, the website’s creator and “The Most Trusted Stranger in America”, gave a lengthy but engrossing talk on the origins of the project, the behind-the-scenes look into how it works, amongst other things, and showed a multimedia presentation. After everything, he signed books for people (yours truly included!). It was quite a turn out!

The Boys of Baraka (2005)

Written by Bev. Posted in movies, Reviews

The Boys of Baraka is an inspiring documentary that follows the lives of four 12 to 13 year old boys from the, quite literally, “urban ghettos” of Baltimore, Maryland. It’s an area inundated with crime and poverty but even amidst such hardships and with all the odds stacked up against them, these four boys have hopes and dreams that transpire above it all. Aspiring for more than what Baltimore and its educational system can offer them, they are offered an opportunity of a lifetime.

An opportunity to study abroad at the Baraka School in Kenya, East Africa for two years.

About the site

I enjoy pop culture and traveling so mainly I blog about that.

More about me.