“Eat Shop Tan”: My spontaneous Asian adventure – Part II

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings, Travel

Continued from Part I

December 17th was our last day in Phuket. Last day of seeing ladyboys everywhere (though apparently I am oblivious to them and had to have them pointed out to me), seeing scantily-clad women dancing on poles outside, being bombarded by people trying to get me to a PING PONG SHOW or asking if I wanted a tuk tuk. We were going to a more low-key place, Koh Phi Phi island!

Day Four: Off to Koh Phi Phi Island!

We boarded a ferry to Koh Phi Phi island, an hour and half from Phuket. An hour and a half of sea sickness fun! By the time we got there, the sky was dark and cloudy and it looked like it was going to pour. And it did, as we were walking across the island to our hotel.

“Eat Shop Tan”: My spontaneous Asian adventure – Part I

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings, Travel

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I made a post in this blog! In 2012, I plan to (or hope to) be more diligent with posting in here. I’ve just been so accustomed to microblogging and tweeting and, well, lazy.

So I begin 2012 with a post about my trip to Thailand in December 2011 – Thailand mainly, but with a few days bookending the trip in Hong Kong (mainly to shop, hence the Eat Shop Tan). This trip would last almost a month, leaving December 8th and getting back the evening of December 26th. A whole month away from work, a much needed break!

To say this was a trip I had planned meticulously for and thought a lot about would be a lie. It kind of came as a surprise. I was just frustrated with things in my life and wanted a change.

The culmination of those “New Grad: Job Hunting Sucks” posts

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

You may recall over the past two-ish years where I wrote about my job hunting woes as a new university grad in a series of somewhat, I’d say, morose posts on this blog.

I figured, it’s been a year and a bit and I should probably write an update about that situation. Otherwise, people stumbling upon this site may come across those links and assume I’m still looking for a job. Which, I suppose, wouldn’t be a complete surprise considering the economic climate nowadays.

Does The Secret Really Work? Well, let’s see.

Written by Bev. Posted in books, Musings, Reviews

So, first, what is The Secret?

I shall quote for you the summary from the book version of The Secret:

  • It’s the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like — so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.
  • Thoughts have a frequency. When you think thoughts, they are sent out to the universe and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency.
  • Everything sent out, returns to the source – YOU.
  • If you want to change anything in your life, you need to change the frequency by changing your thoughts.
  • Your current thoughts are creating your future life.
  • What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.
  • Your thoughts become things.

– Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: A Web Musical Made of Awesome

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings, television

If you haven’t already, get yourself on drhorrible.com and check out Act I and Act II of the 3 part web musical. It’s described by creator Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and Firefly and all-around genius, as a musical about a “low-rent super villain” that happens to also blog. The super villain is played by Neil Patrick Harris, who continues to be funny (and legend… wait for it… DARY) in everything he does. The best part of all this? It reminds me of the Buffy musical episode where the songs themselves are not only hilarious, but the way they break in and out of said song is just perfection (see Freezeray in Act I). Since this is a Joss Whedon project, one that was penned during the Writers’ Strike, you can bet there are some familiar faces from “Whedonverse” in Dr. Horrible. Felicia Day (one of the potential slayers from Buffy) stars as Penny, Dr. Horrible’s love interest, and Nathan Fillion (Caleb from Buffy as well as Malcolm in Firefly and Serenity) stars as Captain Hammer, his arch nemesis.

Act I came out July 15, 2008.
Act II came out July 17, 2008.
Act II comes out July 19, 2008.
All acts will stay up free for viewing until midnight Sunday July 20th. After that, it will VANISH off the website but will be released on DVD at a later date (along with some extras).

Seriously, go and watch it, go now. Or buy the episodes on iTunes.

ComedyCentral.com and TheDailyShow.com now blocking Canadian visitors

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings, television

I found a solution! See bottom of this post.

Comedy Central’s Motherload is like the “interweb mecca” for The Daily Show and The Colbert Report fans. It offers a fairly large archive of clips for both shows, streamed for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whenever you wanted a Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert (or *insert your favourite correspondent’s name here*) fix, you knew where to go. Because we all know with the recent Viacom (Comedy Central’s parent company) versus YouTube lawsuit, it’s pretty much the only source for video clips for these shows.

Then there was news of a better, more spectacular and centralized new site set to be revealed in October for fans of The Daily Show. The new TheDailyShow.com was trumpeted as “the ultimate online destination for ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’ fans”. No longer would The Daily Show have to piggyback off the main Comedy Central website and, most exciting of all, the new site would feature video clips from every episode dating back to 1999, the year Jon Stewart took over the reins of The Daily Show, and would be expanded to include the show’s entire video history, totaling well over 13,000 high-quality clips [ source ]. It was a TDS fan’s dream! (The Colbert Report currently does not have plans to have a similar video archive centric website of its own Updated Sept 2008: Colbert Nation has received a facelift and now has a video archive available)

Unfortunately, and quite sadly so, us TDS fans up north are being left out. We’re just on the outside, looking in, whimpering and greatly irritated by the fact that when we now click to either ComedyCentral.com or TheDailyShow.com, we are greeted by this lovely page seen on your right… before being redirected to thecomedynetwork.ca. Thanks a lot CTVglobemedia.

On the topic of Britney Spears

Written by Bev. Posted in music, Musings

Lordy, the epic comeback performance of Britney Spears has been talked about to death all over the media outlets. Or shall I rephrase that, the epic mess of a performance. Nonetheless, I can’t let this magnitude of an event in pop culture history go down without adding my own commentary.

About the site

I enjoy pop culture and traveling so mainly I blog about that.

More about me.