My Trip to Tokyo, Japan – Part I

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings, Travel

In October of 2006, I had the opportunity to visit Japan, a country I had wanted to visit for awhile now. So, as part of my post-graduation travels, I booked a trip to Tokyo to experience the unique Japanese culture meshed with urban life. I also got to visit such popular tourist spots as Mount Fuji (Fujisan), the Ginza district, Takeshita-dori street in the Harajuku area, Tokyo Dome City, etc. Picture heavy post below!

Lessons from a male strip club

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

This is the first, in what I hope to be many more, essays and non-fiction short stories inspired by authors like David Sedaris, David Rakoff, David Foster Wallace (that’s a lot of Davids!), Sarah Vowell, Augusten Burroughs and the like. So ta-da, new category added! I’d love to have enough to, maybe one day, publish them and follow in the footsteps of the aforementioned authors.

The title of this essay may be misleading. No, I am not some pervy type who frequents such establishments while on the prowl for man-flesh. Quite the contrary, as indeed, I am a strip club virgin, so to speak. Well, I was prior to this recent experience, where I had an interesting forway into this somewhat seedy side of nightlife.

Job Hunting Woes Part II

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

As a continuation of this post, this is second in a series of posts documenting the drudgery of job hunting in today’s job market as a new graduate.

After a temporary stint working at my alma mater, performing duties that I did not find entirely challenging nor aligned with my career goals, I’m again back in the job market and attempting to land my first “real job”. My career goal is not necessarily set in stone because, frankly, it’s kind of hard to know whether something truly is your calling if you’ve had zero experience in that industry. Nonetheless, I’ve trudged on with optimism and learned some things here and there.

Hollywood: Ruining One Childhood Memory at a Time

Written by Bev. Posted in movies, Musings

I’ve known about the movie development of popular, classic cartoon from the 80s (and, originally, the 50s) Alvin and the Chipmunks for awhile now. Upon seeing the first poster, with its image of our beloved chipmunks “hip-hop-ified”, which is a strange sight in itself, I was apprehensive about this news of a Hollywood adaptation of a cartoon that has been so entrenched into my childhood memories.

Podcasts Worth Checking Out

Written by Bev. Posted in miscellaneous, Musings, Reviews

Podcasts are a godsend for commuters. Or, for those of us who like to fall asleep while listening to something. There’s tons of entertaining and engaging podcasts to be found on iTunes or Podcast Alley. Everything from language learning podcasts to comedy podcasts to religious sermon podcasts and everything in-between, there is a plethora of podcasts to discover. Below are some of the ones I listen to on a regular basis and recommend checking out. I’m also always on the search for interesting, new podcasts to subscribe to so if you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.

Excuse me while I squeal in excitement: SPICE GIRLS REUNION, BABY!

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

June 28, 2007. Let us remember this day, for it was this day that the Spice Girls announced the much anticipated and rumoured reunion world tour. Let’s just say that I have been waiting for this for awhile, since hearing about reunion rumours for Live8. It is said that this tour will be the very last chance to see all five girls together on stage, singing their 90’s hits, proclaiming “girl power”, while invoking nostalgia for all in attendance. Unfortunately, though, the 12 dates announced so far are lacking Canadian dates, something I hope will be rectified in the near future. [ Addendum: At the end of July and early August, two new Canadian dates were added! The tour now starts out in Vancouver and “The Spice City”, Toronto, will have its dated added later on. Huzzah! ]

Facebook: The Tension Between Public and Private

Written by Bev. Posted in Musings

The popularity of social networking websites, in particular, has picked up much steam recently. I must admit, I was an early Facebook adopter and enthusiast. I’ve witnessed the website evolve from a very simple archetype with only one tiny profile pic for each person who had a college/university verified email to a site open to anyone and everyone, with unlimited photo storage and the recent addition of various “applications”. It went from a very organic feel to one that resembles “that other social networking site” with tons of, dare I say it, tacky flashiness and conspicuous add-ons. I suppose my enthusiasm for Facebook has significantly diminished as of late, not only as a result of graduating but also the huge changes in format. But that is a rant onto itself. The reason for this entry is about something I came across on the site that I have to shake my head and marvel at the complete irony of some Facebook users’ mindset.

Response to letter in Metro News

Written by Bev. Posted in miscellaneous, Musings

From today’s Metro News:

Top Model show teaches respect
Re: “Chris Arthur’s America’s Next Top Model letter,” Mar. 23:

I read a review in your letters section where Chris Arthur wrote about America’s Next Top Model. A few readers, includng myself, were quite upset. America’s Next Top Model is a show that empowers women and teaches them to embrace their beauty, regardless of race, creed, age and shape. There are many things on television and in the media that degrade women. America’s Next Top Model does not glorify the real violence that women face all over the world. Instead, it brings it to the spotlight.

A show like America’s Next Top Model teaches women to love, respect and, most of all, accept themselves in a world, to this day, controlled by men. It is a show based on women, run by women and watched by all.


My response to this letter:

About the site

I enjoy pop culture and traveling so mainly I blog about that.

More about me.